We customise our training workshops and skills development programs to address your organisation’s unique people development needs. Our training programs are based on psychological principles to promote the development of specific competencies and behaviours. We incorporate action learning methodologies that allow participants to try out and practise skills using scenarios tailored to your organisational environment.
Our largest training program was designed for 240 middle and senior managers in a large regional district of a government organisation, with the primary aim of improving their skills in managing stress in the workplace. Managers attended a one-day workshop then received ongoing individual, group and telephone coaching for a period of three months. Managers and front-line supervisors learned to manage their own stress, recognise individual and organisational indicators of stress in the workplace, approach difficult conversations with employees showing signs of stress, and implement strategies to address the causes and consequences of workplace stress.
Some of the training modules that we have designed and facilitated include:
Our experienced psychologists, who have an in-depth understanding of human behaviour, emotions and cognition, can design and facilitate robust group processes to promote discussion and learning across a wide range of content areas.