We are accredited facilitators of the team development programs produced by Team Management Systems to improve individual and team performance in the workplace.
Team Management Profile (TMP)
The TMP identifies eight types of work preferences common to high performing teams. Based on responses to the 60-item Team Management Profile Questionnaire, a team profile is produced that plots team members’ preferences across the eight types of work. Members also receive comprehensive individual reports that identify their strengths, their preferred types of work, and specific areas for development. The profile information contributes to design of a team development session or program in which our facilitator assists the team to identify and build on existing strengths.
Team Performance Profile (TPP)
The TPP identifies eight team roles shown by research to be essential for high team performance. Based on responses to the 54-item Team performance Profile Questionnaire, a team profile is produced that plots team members’ preferences across the eight team roles. Members also receive comprehensive individual reports that identify their strengths, their preferred roles when working in or leading a team, and specific areas for development. The profile information contributes to design of a team development session or program in which our facilitator assists the team to reach agreements and develop strategies to improve their performance.
Strategic Team Development Profile (STDP)
The STDP uses the High-Energy Team Model to address eight fundamental areas that teams need to resolve in order to perform effectively. Based on responses to the 48-item Strategic Team Development Questionnaire, it allows a team to isolate and address the issues that contribute to good or poor performance and therefore provides direction for team development. This clear understanding of a teams strengths and weaknesses provides a road map for our facilitator to support your team in its ongoing development.
Linking Skills Profile (LSP)
The Linking Skills Profile can be used as a basis for measuring perceptions of a manager’s abilities across a range of task-oriented, people-oriented and leadership skills. It incorporates a range of 360-degree feedback tools that measure the manager’s self-perceptions, as well as those of their supervisor, peers and direct reports regarding the extent to which the manager demonstrates key management and leadership behaviours.